100.9.1 2024-12-10
- [Update] Compatibility with myDPD for Business
- [Fix] Remove Psr Log dependency for keeping compatibility with Magento <= 2.4.5
100.9.0 2024-10-20
- [Update] Export by predict for non DPD orders in allowed countries
- [Update] Allow shipping price to be applied by postcode
- [Update] DPD method event names
- [Fix] Account Number for non DPD orders
- [Fix] Display all methods in export grid
- [Fix] Pickup window phone label identifier
- [Fix] Code style
100.8.2 2024-10-09
- [Fix] Db schema column errors
100.8.1 2024-10-09
- [Fix] Db schema column errors
100.8.0 2024-09-01
- [Update] Code style and strict type checking
- [Update] Deprecated setup replaced by patch and database schema
- [Update] Leaflet updated to 1.9.4
- [Update] Price import refactoring
- [Update] WSDL URL as a config value
- [Update] Display module version in configuration
- [Update] Use of less instead of classic CSS
- [Update] Do not request API before place order
- [Update] New events
- [Update] New logger system
- [Fix] Order Export file download
- [Fix] Price Export file download
- [Fix] Phone number was erased on address form submit
- [Fix] Multiple shipments creation errors
- [Fix] Price web API
100.7.1 2024-05-23
- [Update] Predict and classic available countries updated
100.7.0 2024-04-11
- [Fix] Magento 2.4.7 checkout CSP compatibility
100.6.6 2023-11-17
- [Fix] Connect-src added for Google Map in CSP
- [Fix] Deprecated utf8_decode method with PHP 8.2 removed
100.6.5 2023-11-07
- [Fix] Openstreetmap wildcard for CSP
100.6.4 2023-10-13
- [Update] European countries added for Predict
100.6.3 2023-08-21
- [Fix] New shipment with MSI
- [Update] CSP policy added
100.6.2 2023-08-21
- [Fix] Free Shipping application
100.6.1 2023-06-06
- [Update] Fix website block data assignment broken because of layout_render_before event
100.6.0 2023-04-25
- [Update] Magento 2.4.6 compatibility
100.5.2 2022-06-09
100.5.1 2022-04-21
- [Fix] PHP 8.1 compatibility
100.5.0 2022-04-20
- [Fix] Magento 2.4.4 compatibility
100.4.6 2022-01-11
- [Update] Customer middlename in export
100.4.5 2021-03-26
- [Fix] Avoid error when email address is empty
100.4.4 2021-03-10
- [Update] Pickup ID in order repository
100.4.3 2021-03-03
- [Update] Spain added for DPD Predict
- [Update] Easier mobile phone test
100.4.2 2021-02-08
- [Fix] Fix DPD grid when multiple shipping
100.4.1 2021-02-02
- [Update] Account number per method
100.4.0 2021-01-29
- [Update] Create DPD shipment with tracking number
- [Update] Enable or disable insurance when exporting
- [Update] DPD order grid improvements
- [Fix] Country codes conversion
100.3.1 2020-12-01
- [Fix] Pickup method without shop when checkout error
100.3.0 2020-05-06
- [Update] Export orders to Station.NET
- [Update] Free Shipping configuration added
100.2.1 2019-11-22
- [Fix] Return Object in Pickup Interface
100.2.0 2019-06-07
- [Fix] Pickup removed in checkout on shipping validation instead of input selection
100.1.3 2019-04-05
- [Fix] Pickup selection in admin for magento >= 2.3.1
100.1.2 2019-03-13
- [Fix] Edit order with virtual products
- [Fix] Compatibility with zopim/zendesk chat
100.1.1 2019-02-05
- [Fix] Pickup update on third party checkout
100.1.0 2018-01-21
- [Update] Mobile phone required for pickup delivery
100.0.5 2018-01-18
- [Fix] Pickup selection in admin checkout
- [Fix] Price calculation with per product weight limit
100.0.4 2018-01-17
- [Fix] Disabled pickup and predict on multi-shipping checkout
100.0.3 2018-01-10
- [Update] Use component for pickup JS
- [Fix] Form key validation (2.3 compatibility)
100.0.2 2018-12-20
- [Update] Menu name updated
100.0.1 2018-12-14
- [Update] Fix popup on mobile
100.0.0 2018-12-07
- [Add] First stable release